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Wednesday, November 5, 2014

3 Step Skin Care Routine

3-Step Body Regimen: 3 Step Skin Care Routine

Is your skin not as soft and smooth as before? We tend to focus so much on our face, that sometimes we can forget that the skin on our body needs TLC, too. Past a certain age, a simple shower isn't enough, unless you've got magical genes. Make these three quick steps a daily habit to maintain youthful, glowing skin!

Skin Care Tips for Women

1.  Exfoliate
Concerned about rough, scaly skin? More and more celebs have revealed that the secret to their smooth complexion is dry brushing. Before showering, gently “brush” your skin with body brush made of natural bristles, to loosen/lift off dead skin cells to be washed away in the bath, concentrating on areas where skin is thicker/rougher, such as elbows and heels. Tip: always brush in the direction of the heart, to promote good circulation as well! Do this once a day, or once every other day.

2. Cleanse
The same way you’re careful about what you use to wash your face, be equally discriminating about your body cleanser. Whether you prefer bar soap or body wash, just be sure to choose a cleanser suited to your skin type. There’s a whole range out there to address specific concerns, like bar soap with anti-bacterial and pimple-fighting ingredients to beat “bacne,” to moisturizing body washes for dry skin. Depending on the ingredients of your cleanser, you may need to use a separate cleanser for intimate areas. If you suffer from sensitive skin, be sure to choose a gentle, hypoallergenic cleanser devoid of heavy fragrances and chemicals.

Though long, hot showers help relieve tension and are incredibly blissful, they tend to open up the pores and sap your skin of moisture. As much as you can, aim for quick cold showers, which are great for circulation, revitalizing hair and skin, and basically making you feel all bright and bushy-tailed in the morning!

3. Moisturize
Admittedly, when you’re rushing off to work or attending to a million errands, applying moisturizer can seem like such a time-consuming luxury—but do spare a few extra seconds a day, and your skin will thank you. After a shower or bath, pat (never rub!) skin gently with a towel, then apply oil or lotion while skin is still a bit damp to seal in moisture for smooth, supple skin. After a long, stressful day, treat this as part of your self-pampering routine, and take a bit more time massaging moisturizer into your skin. You may even choose a product with a calming fragrance for a dose of aromatherapy!

Tip: Suffering from dry heels and feet? Keep a bottle of lotion by your bed, and apply a generous amount on your feet before you sleep. Slip on socks to ensure extra absorption!